Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fantasizing Fashion....


Girls grow up listening to fairy tales and that they are the princesses of their parents.......They realize slowly that life is not a fairy tale and compromise their life just for an unknown person and family...and they leaves behind everything, their family, friends, wishes....They find tears to be their best friends and guys call girls **all time crying dolls**lucky are the guys who don't have to leave behind anything.........food for thought????

         After all this I created some designs inspired by fantasy so that girls may get a chance to relive fairy tales as usual in the <3 happily ever after manner <3............which will come into being very soon ...xoxo....mermaid!!                                                                                                   a!Fish nets and the bow= magic!!
 Inspired by what Fairy God Mother did for Cindrella Darling !!

Three layered skirt with masketted springy dragon fly and wings---pixie inspired!!

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